Want a successful relationship with your PPC agency? Of course, you do.

1. Keep your agency involved and informed
Businesses have had to ‘pivot’ (can we ban this phrase after 2020) in recent times. There’s likely to be a lot of change to your business & product/service offering as a result – keep us updated. We can help you navigate your new offering in this ‘new normal’ (also please ban this phrase).
2. Don't be a needy client
OK, it’s time to address the elephant in the room. Don’t be a needy client. It’s your business & your money on the line – we get it, we understand. You need to know what’s going on, there’s no harm in an email or a call now and then. If something urgent crops up, pick up the phone. Updates are good, as I mentioned earlier. If we’re constantly replying to your emails, it means we’re spending less time on your accounts. Trust us to be accountable for your campaign and marketing spend. Treat the relationship like a new love relationship – Don’t come across too keen. Play it cool.

3. Digital Marketing is an investment
Remember that digital marketing is an investment and should be treated like one. If you were to have invested in Zoom at the start of the pandemic, you’d have been quids in – beers on you, socially distanced of course. On the flip side if you’d have invested in Fly-be then you may have been pretty screwed. No investment is guaranteed. PPC is an investment - You get no guarantees in life – or PPC – no matter how “dead on” it seems. So, trust your agency to do the best job for you, after all, that’s what you pay them for
4. Please don’t try and dictate the strategy
By all means, have an opinion or offer your insight, that’s fine. You wouldn’t tell a mechanic how to fix your car, would you? It seems these days that so many people have read a couple of articles about PPC and now think they know all there is to know. As an agency, there’s years’ worth of experience, years’ worth of data and ongoing support and training. If you’re paying an agency to run a PPC strategy for you, let them handle it and enrich them with your expertise in your own industry.

5. Communication is key
Communication is key to ensuring success in your campaign – but sometimes too much communication can be overkill and can have a negative impact on the campaign. Diverting valuable time away from campaign management, or making too many changes on too little data. You’re paying an agency to get the best for your marketing spend. If you these tips, you will ensure the partnership is a harmonious and mutually successful one.

Performance Marketing Agencies are one of the lucky businesses where all you need is an internet connection and a laptop to fulfil your duties. Flights to Barbados anyone? While over 70% of UK firms were facing furlough, we were busy working. No trips to Bournemouth beach or Barnard Castle for us. Although we’re lead generating / sales-making superheroes. We are very much human beings and thus desire human interaction. As helpful as video meetings are, they can’t replace the real thing – we hope to welcome you back into the office soon.
If you are looking for an agency you can trust, get in contact on 0203 368 8556 or info@kaumediagroup.com